Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Worst Excuse

This is an expression I've used libearlly over time:

"You can't out-fox the fox."

Lately I've been noticing a trend in girls, and that trend is slight dishonesties in light of saving graces. I consider myself a pretty evolved person, and it's merely coincidence as I sit here and write this on my 30th birthday.

I think this would be number one in my list of annoyances in the lesbian dating realm. White lies are welcome when you don't want to hurt someone's feelings, I suppose...But I'm the kind of girl you don't need to let down easy.

I'm 30.
I'm a big girl.
If you don't like me, I can defintiely take it.

My favorite girl-excuse as of late is, and are you ready for this one?

"I'm too busy to date right now."

This has to be my favorite excuse ever as to why girls like to ease out of dating in general. And in the past year, not that I'm a serial dater (ok, ok I am), I got this excuse a few times. That immediately makes me think the following:

You're multiple dating (which I could care less about because I am, too)
You're using me as a rebound (totally fine actually I welome this)
You're just not that into me (which also, totally ok)

Most girls call me a jerk, and I'm sitting here like actually I'm just honest. And maybe that's not something girls are used to, but if I'm not interested, or if I'm dating around and I want to spend more time with another girl, chances are I will plain stop talking to you. Because, really what is even the point?

Running the "I'm busy" excuse makes me discredit you immediately. Because lets be real girls: Don't sit there and tell me you wouldn't make time for someone you REALLY liked. So basically that makes me think you're full of shit so I will tell you what I think you want to hear "Ohhh that's ok." When inside I'm really like "Whatever, man." I moved on the minute I heard that shite excuse. What would REALLY be nice is: "You know, you're cool but I'm seeing another girl, too and I'd kind of like to see where that is going." I would totally respect you for this. Seriosuly. How can someone even be upset at that. We would even still be friends.

I would honestly appreciate that. Because what ends up happening 100% of the time is that a month later I find out through other people, (or you give yourself away on your status updates) that you're "In a relationship." So now I think you're a total liar and I hate liars. It's like wow, you're busy? Really? Apparently not since you had plenty of time to involve yourself with a girl in the meantime.

Also second runner up for an inexcusable excuse:
School (yeah. right. Sorry that's almost as bad as "I'm so busy right now." Unless you're studying to be a medical doctor or a rocket scientist, your whatever classes is all a sham).

Girls, please. Just be honest. I hate that I keep losing respect for girls that I think are good people, and then the boom gets lowered every time. Do me (and yourself) a favor and just learn to be straightforward. A little honesty goes a long way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

assuming is a big mistake when getting to know someone new.

but your assumptions are probably right..haha.

so smart.

i haven't started dating this was a very enlightening read.

what are some good trends you've noticed in girls?
