Saturday, May 3, 2008

I Know Your Girlfriend Hates Me

First of all, would you ever say no to this face:

Oh, Annie.
Who else could look just as sweet while comparing someone's disposability to that of a piece of gum?

You know I'm sure we've all found ourselves in a situation where there was dislike from the signifigant other of a close friend. Her new track pokes ridicule at such mistrusting idividuals.

This new song with the above blog title has been rolling on her player for weeks but only in a minute and thirty or so second clip.

Not anymore.

Best line from this song: "Life's too long for you to get it wrong."
I Know Your Girlfriend Hates Me - MP3

Friday, January 4, 2008

When Under Ether

Mashups are either extremely well done or just complete trash.

This was sent to me by one of my closest friends yesterday, a mash of Ratatat vs. PJ Harvey's 'Ether.' Whomever mashed this did a superior job. And its finally good to hear lyrics set to a Ratatat song.

Ratatat vs. PJ Harvey - Under Ether mp3